鄭琬蒨 Wan-Chien Cheng (1986)
曾受邀於2015倫敦當代音樂藝術節《Many Private Concert》、
Whitechapel gallery《Music for Museums》、
WhiteCube gallery《Christian Marclay solo exhibition》中進行現場Fluxus表演,
並於同年九月於 《倫敦聯合教堂管風琴音樂會》與管風琴大師Roger Williams 演出二重奏。
除了即興表演, 她的創作媒體為聲音,其作品亦包含聲音裝置、錄像、行為藝術等。
2015年曾在英國 Resonance 104.4 FM廣播節目中發表作品 《The Sound of Criticism》並於倫敦Flat Time House舉辦聯展《Bodies That Matter》。
Wan-Chien Cheng (1986) is a Taiwanese musician and sound artist. Trained as a classical musician and completed the MA in Sound Arts at the University of the Arts London, her works span the audible, inaudible and visual perceptions between sound, music and language that involve in cultural events, social phenomena, environmental subjects and the human.
Since 2015, she started to get involved in improvisation performance. By using objects, electronic sound and instruments, she performed the "Many Private Concert (2015)" in London Contemporary Music Festival, "Music for Museums" at Whitechapel gallery, "Bob Cobbing Members Only " at Raven Row gallery, and FLUXUS piece in Christian Marclay's solo exhibition at White Cube gallery. Recently, Wan-Chien forms the Duo Semicircular with Yung-Chih, Hsueh and perform experimental music/ improvisation in Taiwan.