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Noise of Noise (2015)

“Noise of Noise” 是一件連結歷史, 檔案, 女性主義和主體/客體觀念的多媒 體作品。



透過打破在歷史與檔案中二元化的角度(女人/男人, 主體/客體,  真實/虛幻),新的系統也許可以透過對二元化世界的抵抗而產生。

Noise of Noise is the multimedia work linked with notions of history, archive, feminism and subject/object. By separating women’s voices into two groups with different positions and generations, the voice from female artists is the act of resistance, deploying counter-information as a means of resisting sexism. The intersection between each loudspeaker also establishes the subject (main speaker) and object (receiver) relationship in it. Through breaking the binary division of woman/man, object/subject, real/virtual in history or archive, other systems may be emerged from the resistance of binary world. Listeners’ position can also be manipulated through the way of directional perception and listening.


This piece responds to Her Noise Archive:

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